Wireless Electronic Lock


Create a remote controlled, wireless, keyless lock for use with wood furniture, desks and cabinet applications.  The battery powered transmitter must have a 10 digit keypad and be small and unobtrusive.  The battery powered receiver/locking mechanism must be small enough to fit into any drawer or small cabinet.


Microchip PIC SOC (transmitter) and receiver chip (receiver), PCB level antennas, off-the-shelf batteries, Microchip communication protocol, PIC assembly code and Microchip MPLab were used to create this low power, robust and secure solution.


Tecnova was asked to develop an FCC approved, small form factor, battery powered, wireless locking device for home-office wood desks and cabinetry.

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Topics: Firmware Development, Product Development

Water Chemistry: Chemical Feed Controller


Bring laboratory-grade water analysis and chemical feed control to large-scale commercial and industrial water cooling tower systems.


A custom designed, solid-state, highly accurate multi-channel fluorometer combined with a microprocessor-driven chemical feed controller.


Accurate chemical monitoring and feed control of chemicals in cooling tower water systems is required to reduce mineral scale, corrosion, and microbe growth. Relatively high volumes of expensive chemicals are required to protect these systems.

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Topics: Electronic Contract Manufacturing, Electronic Engineering, Firmware Development, Industrial Controls

Concurrent Design: Augmenting Your Engineering Staff


Create a device for interfacing with RFID tags and physical access security mechanisms that would be developed concurrently with other components of a larger system product.


Microchip microcontroller, USB and RS-485 controllers, and custom designed switching power supply circuits.


Time-to-market pressures are often mitigated with concurrent development efforts for multiple component assemblies that make up a system. Executing concurrent design activities presents numerous challenges including resource loading and coordination.

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Topics: Electronic Engineering, Firmware Development

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