Why You Should Visit the Plant When Evaluating an RFP


Clean_EngineeringWhen evaluating a proposal by an engineering or manufacturing vendor, many questions about a vendor’s abilities can be answered with a site visit. A successful vendor invests in its facilities in an effort to be clean and well organized. This is an indicator of a business’s sense of order and attention to detail that will also be required for successful projects.

What constitutes a clean appearance?

Tidiness and order is apparent in successful vendors from the moment one walks through the door. The reception area is picked up and orderly. There is a distinction between the administrative areas and the engineering and production areas. There are no computer or electrical components lying out, mixed in with desk clutter or open coffee cups. In the production areas, workspaces are organized, floors are clear, and machines are clean and in good working order.

According to the Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Manufacturing and Management other indicators are lighting, odors, and the exterior of the facility. The facility should be properly lighted to ensure product quality and reduce errors. There should also be no strange smells that can indicate contamination or malfunctioning equipment. A walk around the outside of the facility should reveal no excess materials, defective products, or liquid wastes.

What does clean mean?

A clean facility is often a sign of efficient, orderly systems. It is also a sign of additional attributes that can contribute to a vendor’s ability to deliver successful projects.

Less contamination. Dust, debris, and particles can wreak havoc on delicate machinery and product components. A clean, orderly facilitate means there is less risk for contamination of technical and electrical systems.

Fewer errors. A disorganized and chaotic workspace can introduce risk to the environment. Components can become compromised or damaged. Paperwork can be lost or misfiled. And essential details of a project can be overlooked.

Greater worker safety. A clean and orderly facility also indicates reduced risk of worker injury. Machinery is clean and up to date and meets industry requirements for safety. There are no exposed tools or equipment that workers could burn or cut themselves on. There are no components, boxes, or clutter on the floors that workers could trip or fall over. A safe work environment means a vendor can focus less on potential workers’ compensation cases and more on project planning, execution, and results.

Pride in operations. Moreover, vendors who take pride in their facilities and operations also take pride in their performance, reputation, and deliverables. They value professionalism and efficiency and it shows. They invest in their appearance because they know customers are investing in them.


When evaluating a new engineering or manufacturing vendor, schedule a site visit. For more KPIs that can help business leaders confidently select an engineering or manufacturing vendor, download our RFP Evaluation Guide.


Topics: Selecting a Vendor